Theme Documentation

Blog Page

By default Wordpress displays blog posts in front page but Sportexx theme uses a static page as its front page. So we'll have to create a new page called Blog and will use it to display the blog posts.

Setting the Blog Page

  1. Navigate to Pages > Add New.
  2. Enter the title Blog and click on Publish.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Reading.
  4. Click on A static Page option for Front page displays.
  5. In the Posts page dropdown, choose the page you just created in step 2.

Choosing a Blog Page Layout

Sportexx allows you to display your Blog posts in 3 different layouts.

  1. Sidebar Right - This is the default layout. The Blog page will have 2 columns divided roughly into 75% and 25%. The 75% of the screen is the main content and it displays the blog posts. The 25% screen of the screen is the sidebar and it displays widgets. As the name suggests, the sidebar will be to the right side of the screen.
  2. Sidebar Left - Same as Sidebar Right except that the Sidebar appears to the left of the screen.
  3. Full-width - This layout does not display any sidebars. The Full-width layout can have be widely dense which means the content section occupies from left to right ends or narrowly dense which means the content section will be only 75% wide as in sidebar layouts but aligned centered.

You can select blog page layout form Sportexx > Blog Tab > Blog Page Layout.

Animating Post Items

Post items can be animated when the appear on viewport. More than 25+ CSS3 animation effects are available which includes :

  1. BounceIn
  2. FadeIn
  3. FlipIn
  4. LightSpeedIn
  5. RotateIn
  6. RoleIn
  7. ZoomIn

You can set whether you want to animate the product item from Sportexx > Blog Tab > Post Item Animation .

Sharing Post

By enabling Share Single Post Block,you can share your post.

Enable/Disable share post from Sportexx > Blog Tab > Single Post Share Block .

Blog Post

Sportexx supports 'image', 'gallery', 'video', 'audio', 'quote', 'link', 'aside' and 'status' posts formats. The general content width is 810px. Video and audio post formats, if self hosted, will be displayed using JPlayer. Gallery images are displayed as a carousel using Owl Carousel.

If a sidebar layout is chosen, then the sidebar is populated with widgets. The name of the sidebar area is Sidebar.