Unicase supports Megamenu Dropdown, with the help of two plugins that comes bundled with the theme namely : Visual Composer plugin and Unicase Extensions plugin.
1. Static Block Post Type
A megamenu item in Unicase theme is a Static Block. This Static Block is available on activating Unicase Extensions Plugin.

2. Enable Visual Composer for Static Block
- Navigate to Settings > Visual Composer.
- In Post Types under Role Manager tab , make sure custom is selected and static_block is checked.

- Go to Static Content > Add New and make sure it has a button just below the title with visual composer icon and text that reads Backend Editor.

- Navigate to Static Content > Add New.
- Give it a title, lets say "Test Megamenu Item" item. The title is not used anywhere in displaying the menu.
Click on Backend Editor. It will display Visual Composer Backend Editor. We will use this back end editor to build our megamenu item.

Let us add a simple text block. Click on Add text block button and the result will look like this.

- Click on Publish button.
- Navigate to Appearance > Menus.
- On top right corner of your screen, you will find a dropdown menu Screen Options. Click on it.
- In the dropdown that appears, check on Static Content Blocks under Show on screen. You will now see Static Content Blocks listed in the left side.

- Choose the menu you want to edit. In my case I've chose a menu that is hooked to Main Navigation location.
- Now check the Test Megamenu item and click on Add to menu.
- Drag the Test Megamenu item box and drop it under any existing menu as a submenu.

- Click on Save Menu.
- Now the megamenu will is added as a submenu and it should look like this:

Alert : Please do not use Static Content Block as a top level menu item or as submenu menu item beyond level 1. Do not use other menu items with Static Content Block menu item.