Allows you to add shortcodes to get-terms on your page.
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Taxonomy | Text | Enter the taxonomy | Category |
Order by | Text | Set the order of the terms to be Displayed | name |
Order | Text | Set the terms in Ascending or Descending Order. | ASC |
Limit | Text | Set the number of brands to be displayed. | 10 |
Hide Empty | Text | Enter the value 0 or 1 to display terms | 0 |
Include IDs | Text | Enter the id of the term to be displayed | none |
Exclude IDs | Text | Enter the id of the term to be displayed | none |
Number | Text | Enter the number of terms to be displayed | 0 |
Offset | Text | Enter the number by which to offset the terms query | 0 |
Name | Text | Enter the string of name to return terms | none |
Slug | Text | Enter the string of slug to return terms | none |
Hierarchical | Text | Enter the number to include terms | none |
Child Of | Text | Enter term id to retrieve child terms of | none |
Parent | Text | Enter the parent term ID to retrieve direct-child terms of. | none |