Theme Documentation

Bewear Terms

Allows you to add shortcodes to get-terms on your page.


Field Type Description Default
Taxonomy Text Enter the taxonomy Category
Order by Text Set the order of the terms to be Displayed name
Order Text Set the terms in Ascending or Descending Order. ASC
Limit Text Set the number of brands to be displayed. 10
Hide Empty Text Enter the value 0 or 1 to display terms 0
Include IDs Text Enter the id of the term to be displayed none
Exclude IDs Text Enter the id of the term to be displayed none
Number Text Enter the number of terms to be displayed 0
Offset Text Enter the number by which to offset the terms query 0
Name Text Enter the string of name to return terms none
Slug Text Enter the string of slug to return terms none
Hierarchical Text Enter the number to include terms none
Child Of Text Enter term id to retrieve child terms of none
Parent Text Enter the parent term ID to retrieve direct-child terms of. none