Brands Slider
Enable / Disable Brand Slider for Footer.
Enable / Disable Footer Widgets.
Enable / Disable Footer Newsletter Block.
Update Newsletter Title.
Update Newsletter Marketing Text.
Update Newsletter Signup Form or Newsletter Shortcode.
Enable / Disable Footer Contact Block.
Enable / Disable Footer Logo.
Upload your Footer Logo Image.
Enable / Disable Footer Call Up Section.
Update Footer Call us text.
Update Footer Call us icon.
Update Footer Call us number.
Enable / Disable Footer Address.
If enable Footer Address,update Footer Address Title.
Update Footer Address.
Enable / Disable Footer Social Icons.
Enable / Disable Footer Bottom Widgets.
Update Spacing between columns in Footer Widgets.
Enable / Disable Auto-width footer bottom widget columns.
Enable / Disable Footer Credit Block.
Update Footer Credit.
Upload Payment Icons.
For Footer Bottom Widget, navigate to Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Widgets here Drag and drop the widgets in Widget Area. In default, Widget Area loads the default widget so it should be empty.