Theme Documentation

What do you get ?

Once you have made the purchase you will find our product in your ThemeForest Downloads page. Click on Download and you will a dropdown will popup with following options.

The Folder Structure

Once you download the package, unzip it and you will find it contains the following folders.

  1. ThemeFile - This folder contains the zipped theme file which is "".
  2. Documentation - This folder contains the documentation for the theme.
  3. Assets - This folder contains 2 subfolders.
    • PremiumPlugins - This folder contains the premium plugins that comes bundled with the theme. They are
      • Visual Composer -
      • Slider Revolution -
    • DummyData - This folder contains the xml file that contains the importable dummy content, such as pages, products, posts, etc, to help you get started with your site.
  4. Licensing - License information governing the usage of the theme.
  5. In addition to the above folder you will also find changelog.txt text file that contains information about the updates that we've released.